Dust & Allergies

Dust and Allergies in Your Home

Pollen, dust mites, mold, animal dander and other contaminates are common allergy triggers. And for those living in the fickle weather of Northern Arizona, dust and allergies can be even more of a challenge.  There is not much you can do about pollen or dust outside of your home. But when you’re indoors there's nothing is worse than having that month long runny nose during the fall or mold allergies in the spring.

When you have leaky ductwork in your home you can expect with 100% certainty that these common contaminates are in there with you.  

Dust and allergies in your home may be caused by Duct Leaks

Do you notice substantial dust in your home?

Ductwork is typically run through attics, crawlspaces, basements or even behind walls. When you have leaks in your ductwork, they will suck air from these spaces into your living areas.

By sealing your ductwork you can limit the entrance points of your home that allow dust, pollen, or mold into your home and insure a much cleaner & healthier environment.